Tuesday 5 May 2020

Create task: Happy new year

This my picture that i drew and it looks like the same picture Cathy drew 
before there was fire. The light blue things on the bottom left is a ferry's
riding past the island. It the two big green things are land that the people are 
on right now. As you as on the water is the reflection of the land. In the sky is 
3 beautiful clouds and the shining and bright yellow sun. The sand is looking
so nice to play in. This is like a duplicate of Cathy drawing. But it was made 
by the artist me. This is drawing Great Barrier island.
Task description: hello this is my task for today. This task is about the school 
Journal story the story was Happy new years .  The book Happy new years was
about a island named Great Barrier Island. I had to draw a picture that looks like
Cathy drawing. It was a little hard. It looks beautiful. 


  1. Fonua, you did a lovely job on your drawing! It is not an easy thing to do but I like how you persevered to complete your task! I also really like your boats! What was the most difficult part about completing your drawing?

    1. Thanks Mrs Moala i really took my time on this and though it. my favorite part of this image is the reflection of the mountain

  2. Hi Fonua
    Great work with your blog and a awesome drawing,possibly read over
    your work and put into paragraphs otherwise keep it up.


    1. Ok thanks tyson and i will check my writing
